So when I started this blog, the whole point in it was to write down the various film and music inspirations I have, and also to document when I find a new film/band to shout about. This is going to be my first music post, and i'm going to recommend a band that are quite well known, but possibly only in 'Metal' circles. Today, i'm blogging about Mastodon!
Mastodon are a band I found through their Lifesblood EP in about 2003. I remember going to see them at Northumbria Uni a year later and being suitably impressed at their metal sound, with mystic roots hidden underneath to give it a distinct sound. While the Lifesblood EP was very noisy and heavy, it was with their debut album Remission that I noticed an undercurrent of noise that I had not heard in a band. I'm not usually a 'metal' fan, and I often prefer something a little more jolly. However Mastodon mixed the heavy with this new sound, evident on a song such as March of the Fire Ants which I just liked. With each progressive album, their sound has evolved and they have continued to be an amazing live band too, and i'm hopefully off to see them in a couple of weeks. Following this is short reviews and information about all their albums.

The beginning of it all. A very loud and agressive EP, but with little of the progression that would come later.

The first album, including classic songs such as March of the Fire Ants. An epic start, with hints towards the edginess to come.

Second album, still very metal but with some subtle prog rock going on.
Blood Mountain

The Third album, where Mastodon started to get noticed and picked up upon. Contains an almost Eastern influence going on, mixing metal grooves alongside some strange instrumentals. My favourite album too.
Crack the Skye

The latest and fourth album. Nice mix of progressive rock with metal bits. A definite progression in sound, just need more time to get into it.